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Detection.Guru inteds to be a practical resource for security incident responders. It focuses on providing information to hunt, detect, and analyze the forensic trails left by attackers.

The field is too vast and it is unreasonable to expect security professionals to retain all the knowledge required to perform an incident response investigation. Instead of spending time chasing down rabbit holes on Google, reading outdated Stack Overflow articles, or trying to find the right version of the SANS poster, I hope this site can eventually serve as one of your first stops.

This site is in active development and I am continuing to add content. It's still taking shape as I go along and try to figure out how to best present, organize, and structure the content. I'm happy to take any suggestions from the community as well.

You can contact me at matt[at]mattl[dot]in for feedback, requests, questions, or just to say hello. Still working on getting an email for this domain :)